5 Ways Your Work Is Like A Gas

Vapor Rising in the sunlight

1) A gas expands to fill the volume of its container. We don’t always choose the box we’re in, but we can fill it. We can expand to occupy the most space, to make the most impact possible. And no, I’m not talking about manspreading. I’m talking about occupying whatever role we currently have, filling […]

30 Day Happiness Challenge: Day 15

I’ve been pretending that today was something worth paying attention to because it is halfway through. Really, it’s just another day though. Well, it’s Melanie’s birthday, so I can’t exactly say that. Meditation Did this after putting Theo to bed again. I won’t repeat that this isn’t the best time or report that I dozed […]

My Favorite Kind of Writer

Cupcakes to celebrate Melanie's birthday

There are, of course, all kinds of writers. Those who entertain with witty dialogue or keep us paralyzed with suspense, our nose down and knuckles yellowing as we grip the cover just a bit too intensely. There are writers who make us laugh with jokes and those who make us laugh because the world they […]

30 Day Happiness Challenge: Day 14

It was kind of a hurried day. I don’t know if that’s because my morning routine was totally shot, or if my morning routine was totally shot because it was a hurried day. Either way, I got to spend a few minutes snuggling with the kid before rushing to get to work. Here’s the challenge […]

30 Day Happiness Challenge: Day 13

I don’t think Sundays are harder than Saturdays, but they aren’t any easier either. I’m not going to talk about sleeping in again because maybe it’s no longer sleeping in. Maybe it’s just the time I get up now (although I will need to get up earlier to make it to work on time). Instead, […]

Writing as a Weekend Warrior

I put together a crib today. Actually, I put the crib back together. It is Theo’s old one, and this will be the fourth time that I’ve assembled it. I feel like I should not have to reremember how to do it each time, that it should come much easier even though it has been […]

30 Day Happiness Challenge Day 12

Been a busy day, and I can’t let it drag out for much longer. I have been waking up later for several days now. I feel a little bad about it because it makes it harder to get some of this stuff done, especially the parts that require a little isolation. But I’ve also been […]