30 Day Happiness Challenge: Day 5

So, I knew the weekend was going to be harder. My schedule is more flexible, and my day is often filled with running around with Theo or doing some kind of work around the house. I was right, but I think I managed to do okay today.


Tried to get some extra sleep today because I have a weird eye thing that has been bothering me. And because I probably need more sleep. Anyway, the meditation didn’t happen in the morning. Instead, I tried to do it after putting Theo to bed. It was mostly just scattered thoughts and dozing off though. I don’t think meditated while prone is the way to go for me.


Because of the sleep thing, and because I had other stuff to get to, Rory and I didn’t walk this morning. I figured I could count all the painting and furniture moving as my exercise. In case that wasn’t enough, though, I did a few push ups and crunches. Not enough to make any difference probably, but enough to count.


  1. I am grateful for friends who will help move furniture and paint.
  2. I am grateful that I am physically able to do that kind of work, even though it doesn’t always feel like it.
  3. I am grateful that I having a working knowledge about working on the house, even though it doesn’t always feel like it.


I talked to a stranger at the dealership while waiting to pick up our license plates for the van. I don’t think it’s necessarily kindness just to talk to some other guy who’s waiting to look at a car, but I did make a special effort to have a conversation with him about vehicles because he seemed to care. That’s not really my typical behavior. Normally, I would probably just offer curt answers and try to get on with my task. But, I had the challenge in mind and was looking for a way to be kind, so I indulged the guy and was totally open about our van buying and made small talk and everything. Again, I don’t entirely know what qualifies for this task, but I’m trying to figure it out.

Something good from today

We painted our bedroom. And it was tiring and sometimes a pain, but it has been long overdue. It felt good to put a little more of our own personalities into this space, and I enjoyed doing the work with friends. It also felt good just doing something tangible. This is why the “Make Something” karate move is so important, and I’m glad it happened today even though I’m worn out.

We’ll see how the first Sunday goes. I’m guessing I might have to resort to an electronic means of being kind. Happy Weekend.

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