I didn’t notice until after I posted yesterday that it was my fiftieth entry on the blog. So, instead of some insightful intro/retrospection, I just wrote about typing. But you probably didn’t notice either, so I don’t feel that bad. You also probably didn’t read that post, but I don’t feel too bad about that either.
Fifty, it turns out, is pretty much as arbitrary as you might think. I doesn’t signify anything. And when it comes to posting everyday, fifty is hardly a milestone. If they handed out little plaques for blogging like they do at some companies for years of service, fifty blog posts wouldn’t even get a mention. It would be like giving a plaque for being at the company for nine whole months.
No cake. No speech. No one giving any sort of attention.
Yet here I am going on and on about it. Mostly, that’s because it means something to me. I keep talking about showing up and doing the work, and I would feel pretty crummy if I weren’t making an effort to do that myself.
I could do a lot more, of course, but this isn’t the moment for that line of thinking. This is just the time where I say I’ve done something for fifty straight days even though it wasn’t always easy. Even if it wasn’t always good.
Because it hasn’t all been bad either. That’s the beauty of coming back each day. Some stuff will stick eventually.
I suppose that’s enough back patting for minor achievement. Now to make the next fifty posts better than the previous. Also, I just realized that I haven’t yet copied over the entry I had to post on Facebook because of server issues, which means that my math is screwed up and this is all just a little less relevant. But, like I said, the numbers are all fairly arbitrary, so I doubt it makes much difference.
Have a good week.
I think you’re on the right track. And doing anything for fifty days straight can be difficult. I’m enjoying reading your posts. So please keep writing.
I think it’s worth celebrating! And I have really enjoyed having your posts to look forward to every day.
Thanks, guys.